Stripe and Travis

Stripe and Travis are being adopted! Stripe has always been one of my sweetest boys and I am so happy he is finding a good home. Travis sealed the deal, I mean that hair! It’s incredible.

Stripe came to the rescue in February 2023. I took in four boys who were living with ten other boys in a not so great situation. The owner was doing her best, but things became overwhelming for her. Stripe, David, Toaster, and Sherlock (who unfortunately passed away) were all younger guinea pigs with unique hair types. Stripe’s long fur on his bum makes him look fancy. He’s all black except for a gremlinesque stripe on his head. Since I am a child of the 80s, his name was obvious. Stripe did develop a large cyst we had removed and he was living by himself since then. Until Travis.

Knowing Stripe is mellow but energetic (he’s not aggressive, but loves to run zoomies and rattle the cage for veggies), I put Travis next to him. For 2 weeks they got to know each other before bonding. Their bonding was unique, they both faced each other, laid down, and started munching hay together. They would often share hay through their bars, so I found this made perfect sense. They’ve been together ever since. Travis loves Stripe and does his best to join him wherever he’s sleeping. Stripe doesn’t mind, he just goes along with it. They’re one of those unique boar bonds without nose punching or really any aggression.

Part of me will be sad to say goodbye, adoptions are hard, especially when you’ve brought a guinea pig through a difficult situation and watched them blossom and grow. However, he’s going to a great home with a big cage (two Midwest cages put together) and I am sure he will still get plenty of chin scratches. I have one more week to spoil them and I will make it count!


Fluffy Babies