Fluffy Babies

For the second time in my rescue’s short history, we have babies in the rescue. Fluffy, crazy haired, adorable babies. Truffles, their mother, was surrendered with her baby, Travis. Her owner purchased three girls from a breeder, except it was two boys and one girl. They discovered this when they were surprised with a baby, Travis. Unfortunately, due to Travis’ age, I had to separate them. At this time, I wasn’t aware that Truffles was already pregnant (though not from Travis, she had her babies too soon for that).

Travis has uniquely long, soft, crazy hair. He is also friendly, spunky, and bonded with his friend Stripe very well. They lived side by side for several weeks before bonding. I wanted to make sure Travis felt secure in his home and let his personality develop a little. Stripe is a gorgeous, mellow boy and they got together just fine.

After a couple weeks, Truffles’ pear shape made me start to think babies…babies are coming. We took a trip to our wonderful vet (All Pets Veterinary Hospital in Nashua, NH) and a feel and an x-ray confirmed three babies were just about ready to be born. I had mixed feeling on this. I hate that she was pregnant again and felt for her having a second litter, but I was assured by our vet that there shouldn’t be any complications.

Truffles had her babies within a week. Three adorable pups (that’s what baby guinea pigs are called!), two female and one male. She has been a great mom, eating plenty, nursing her babies, making sure they’re eating as well. Everyone gained weight steadily and now their hair is growing too. Yes, all three are going to have the same hair as Travis, long, crazy, soft hair. I’ve named the pups Daphne, Velma, and Scooby. Scooby will bond with one of my single male guinea pigs for adoption and Truffles, Daphne, and Velma will make an adorable trio available for adoption. I am so excited for Truffles to never face pregnancy again and I hope she finds the perfect home to be pampered and spoiled.

While everyone loves babies, having them is stressful for a rescue. There is so much risk that something goes wrong and since rescues do not breed and discourage any accidental pregnancies, it is with a mixed heart we have nurseries. However, this is a safe place for pregnant sows to give birth and raise their babies. Plus snuggling those balls of fluff is incredible. I am lucky to have the opportunity to get to know so many guinea pigs and their personalities. All are welcome and loved!

As a side note, bonus points if you noticed the Big Hero 6 reference (when Baymax is losing air and spacy, he picks up Mochi the cat and calls him a fluffy baby). I watched that movie so much, my kids loved it.


Stripe and Travis


Wheektopia Origin